Android 12: New Features, Privacy, and Performance

Last Updated: Jun 14, 2024 by

Android 12 - Features & Performance

Android 12 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the Android operating system. It introduces a fresh and dynamic user interface called “Material You,” which allows for extensive personalization. This version enhances privacy and security with a new Privacy Dashboard, providing a clear view of app permissions and access to sensitive data. Performance improvements make the system more responsive and efficient, ensuring a smoother user experience.

New Features and Enhancements

Material You

Android 12 introduces “Material You,” a groundbreaking design language that offers highly customizable themes and colors. This allows users to personalize their devices like never before. The dynamic color palette adapts to the user’s chosen wallpaper, creating a cohesive and visually appealing experience throughout the system.

Privacy Dashboard

Privacy Dashboard

The new Privacy Dashboard in Android 12 is your window into app permissions, providing a comprehensive and transparent overview. It gives you clear insights into how your data is being accessed, making it easier to manage and control app permissions. With quick and easy access to privacy settings, it enhances your security and ensures you are always in the know.

Improved Performance

Android 12 is designed to deliver a faster and more responsive system, with optimizations that significantly improve overall performance. Enhanced power efficiency ensures that your device runs smoothly while conserving battery life, providing a better user experience and longer usage between charges. You can now enjoy a more satisfying and efficient use of your device.

User Interface Improvements

Redesigned Widgets

Redesigned Widgets

Android 12 introduces redesigned widgets featuring new styles and functionalities, enhancing both aesthetics and usability. These widgets offer better integration with the home screen, allowing for a more seamless and personalized user experience. The updated widgets can be resized and customized to fit individual preferences, making the home screen more functional and visually appealing.

Notification System

The notification system in Android 12 has been revamped to be more intuitive, making it easier for users to manage and respond to notifications. Important actions are now more accessible with quick access options directly from the notification shade, allowing users to handle tasks efficiently without navigating multiple screens. This streamlined approach enhances the overall user experience by prioritizing convenience and responsiveness.

Privacy and Security Features

Privacy and Security Features

  • Approximate Location Permissions: This option allows you to share your approximate location instead of your precise location, enhancing privacy by limiting location data shared with apps.
  • Microphone and Camera Indicators: Visual indicators notify users when the microphone or camera is in use, ensuring transparency and security.
  • Private Compute Core: Provides a secure environment for AI and machine learning processes, protecting sensitive data and maintaining user privacy.

Performance and Battery Enhancements

Faster App Launch Times

Android 12 features optimized app loading processes, resulting in significantly faster app launch times. This improvement ensures a smoother and more efficient user experience, reducing wait times and enhancing overall performance.

Improved Battery Life

Improved Battery Life

Enhanced power management features in Android 12 contribute to improved battery life. Users can enjoy longer usage periods between charges by optimizing background processes and reducing unnecessary power consumption, ensuring their devices remain functional and reliable throughout the day.

Enhanced Connectivity

Better Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Management

Better Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Management

Android 12 offers improved Wi-Fi and Bluetooth management, making it easier for users to control and customize their connectivity settings. This enhancement provides a more intuitive interface for managing connections, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience when switching between networks and devices.

Nearby Share

The Nearby Share feature in Android 12 has been upgraded to provide better sharing capabilities with nearby devices. This improvement allows faster and more efficient sharing of files, links, and other content, enhancing the feature’s overall convenience and usability.

Compatibility and Support

  • Device Compatibility: Android 12 is supported on many devices, including the latest smartphones and tablets from major manufacturers such as Google, Samsung, OnePlus, and more.
  • Developer Support: Comprehensive tools and resources are available for app developers, including updated SDKs, documentation, and support forums, to help them create and optimize apps for Android 12.

Tips and Tricks

Customization Tips

Customization Tips

  • Explore the full potential of Material You by experimenting with different wallpapers to see how the dynamic color palette adapts.
  • Customize widgets to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your home screen, making it more personalized and efficient.

Privacy Tips

  • Use the Privacy Dashboard to regularly review and manage app permissions, ensuring that only necessary data is being accessed.
  • Enable approximate location sharing for apps that don’t require precise location data to enhance your privacy.
  • Keep an eye on the microphone and camera indicators to stay informed about when these sensors are in use.


Android 12 significantly improves customization, privacy, performance, and connectivity, continuing the legacy of its predecessors, like Android 10’s focus on security and Android 11’s enhanced user controls. Future updates are expected to refine these features further, evolving the Android experience and maintaining its position as a leading mobile operating system.

Gulrukh Ch

About the Author: Gulrukh Ch

Gulrukh Chaudhary, an accomplished digital marketer and technology writer with a passion for exploring the frontiers of innovation. Armed with a Master's degree in Information Technology, Gulrukh seamlessly blends her technical prowess with her creative flair, resulting in captivating insights into the world of emerging technologies. Discover more about her on her LinkedIn profile.

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