
Ufone Fortnightly SMS Package

internet-iconInternet 0
calling-iconOnnet Min 0
calling-iconOffNet Min 0
sms-iconSMS 10500
price-iconPrice Rs.39.33 (Incl. Tax)


For just Rs. 39.33 plus taxes, you can enjoy 10,500 text messages to any network for a duration of 14 days.

Terms and Conditions

  • SMS Buckets exclude International SMS and Premium SMS.
  • Sending SMS to shortcode 600 and 606 costs 60 paise.
  • All rates are exclusive of GST.
  • Standard rates apply to all SMS sent to the respective shortcode.
  • The Daily Package is valid for 24 hours from the time of subscription.
  • To check your remaining free SMS and expiry date, send a blank SMS to 606.
  • Customers can subscribe to one Daily Package in 24 hours.
  • The Daily SMS Package will automatically renew after 24 hours, so there's no need to resubscribe through 605 every day.
  • To unsubscribe from the package at any time, simply send the message "Unsub" to 506.
  • If your balance is insufficient, you will be automatically unsubscribed from the Daily Bucket.
  • To unsubscribe from the weekly SMS Package, send "Unsub" to 8066.
  • Remember, your SIM is your identity, so only use SIMs issued through Biometric Verification as per PTA guidelines.