
PrimeCall (On Net)

internet-iconInternet 0
calling-iconOnnet Min 1500
calling-iconOffNet Min 0
sms-iconSMS 0
price-iconPrice Rs.225 (Incl. Tax)


Choose your own from our newest voice, with the Prime Call packages from Ufone Pakistan. Subscribe now.

Terms and Conditions:

  • PrimeCall Unlimited offers 1500 U2U and PTCL minutes every month.
  • PrimeCall buckets provide U2U and PTCL minutes.
  • Please note that all charges mentioned do not include taxes.
  • For security and compliance with PTA regulations, use only SIM cards issued through Biometric Verification; your SIM serves as your identity.
  • Unless specified otherwise, all Postpay products are set to auto-renew.