
4G Daily

internet-iconInternet 250 MB
calling-iconOnnet Min 0
calling-iconOffNet Min 0
sms-iconSMS 0
price-iconPrice Rs.15 (Incl. Tax)


Explore Telenor's 4G Daily Internet Package: 250 MB for Rs. 15/day. Ideal for quick, affordable daily internet access on Telenor's network.

Terms and Conditions

  • Resources and validity from multiple subscriptions are independent and won't merge.
  • Multiple subscriptions to the package are allowed within its validity.
  • Some data may be reserved for certain apps/websites, leading to base rate charges even with unused data.
  • Packages are subject to change.
  • The billing system allocates MBs for each app/website access, which may deplete bundle MBs.
  • Standard rate charges apply after bundle depletion; notification sent with offer options.
  • Alerts at 80% and 100% resource usage to avoid standard rate charges.