Top 20 Games Like Killer Frequency: Dive into the World of Thrilling Audio Adventures!

Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024 by

Top Games Like Killer Frequency

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the world of thrilling audio adventures? If you loved the suspense and excitement of Killer Frequency, then you’re in for a treat! In this blog, we’ll explore games that offer similar heart-pounding experiences, where every sound and whisper can change the course of your adventure. Join us as we dive into these captivating games that will keep you on the edge of your seat, ears tuned, and imagination running wild!

Update Notice: Updated in June 2024, this article is your ultimate source for the latest in gaming trends. Dive into the world of exciting new releases as we keep you informed and thrilled with the best games out there!

20 Best Games Like Killer Frequency



SOMA is a sci-fi horror video game developed by Frictional Games, acclaimed creators of the Amnesia series. Set in an eerie, underwater research facility, players experience a narrative that explores themes of identity, consciousness, and what it means to be human. The game combines suspenseful storytelling with challenging puzzles and a tense atmosphere, avoiding conventional jump scares to focus on psychological horror. SOMA’s thought-provoking storyline and immersive environment make it a standout in the horror genre, appealing to both gamers and fans of deep philosophical questions.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


  • Deep, narrative-driven gameplay.
  • Immersive underwater setting.
  • Challenging puzzles and threats.
  • Psychological horror elements.
  • Richly detailed environments.

User Experience:

  • Players have praised SOMA for its compelling story, atmospheric setting, and thought-provoking themes.

Release Date:

  • September 22, 2015

2. Conarium


Conarium is a chilling adventure game inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s novella At the Mountains of Madness. Developed by Zoetrope Interactive, the game plunges players into an eerie narrative filled with suspense and otherworldly horrors. Set in Antarctica, players explore a deserted base, uncovering secrets and avoiding dangers that defy natural laws. With its atmospheric visuals and puzzles that challenge both mind and nerve, Conarium offers a deeply immersive experience for fans of the horror and mystery genres.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


  • Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s novella “At the Mountains of Madness”.
  • Multiple endings.
  • Atmospheric soundtrack and visuals.
  • Engaging puzzles and mysteries.
  • Deep narrative and immersive gameplay.

User Experience:

  • Players have praised Conarium for its atmospheric setting, intriguing story, and challenging puzzles. The Lovecraftian elements add a layer of depth and horror to the game.

Release Date:

  • June 6, 2017

3. Layers of Fear 2

Layers of Fear 2

Layers of Fear 2 is a psychological horror video game developed by Bloober Team that serves as a sequel to the acclaimed Layers of Fear. Set aboard an eerily abandoned ocean liner, the game plunges players into the depths of psychological terror as they explore the intricate narrative through the eyes of an actor, guided by a mysterious director played by Tony Todd. With its heavily atmospheric and story-driven approach, the game uses its setting and sound design to craft a hauntingly immersive experience. Players must navigate through layers of disturbing memories and shifting environments, making choices that will affect the game’s outcome.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


  • Intense psychological horror gameplay.
  • Richly detailed environments and atmospheric settings.
  • Intriguing storyline with multiple endings.
  • Exploration and interaction with the environment.
  • Challenging puzzles and mysteries.

User Experience:

  • Players have lauded Layers of Fear 2 for its captivating story, immersive audio-visual experience, and chilling atmosphere that keeps them on the edge of their seats.

Release Date:

  • May 29, 2019

4. Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Amnesia The Dark Descent

Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a survival horror adventure game developed by Frictional Games. Released in 2010, it plunges players into the depths of psychological terror as they navigate the dark corridors of a dilapidated castle while evading monstrous entities. The game employs a first-person perspective, enhancing the immersive experience. Its standout features include a sanity meter that affects the protagonist’s perception and a physics-based interaction system for puzzles. Amnesia: The Dark Descent is acclaimed for its intense atmosphere and innovative gameplay, setting a benchmark in the horror genre.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


  • Immersive first-person perspective.
  • Intense and atmospheric horror experience.
  • Complex puzzles and challenges.
  • Engaging storyline with deep lore.
  • Dynamic sanity system affecting gameplay.

User Experience:

  • Players have commended Amnesia: The Dark Descent for its terrifying atmosphere, compelling story, and innovative gameplay mechanics. The game’s ability to instill genuine fear without relying heavily on jump scares has been particularly praised.

Release Date:

  • September 8, 2010

5. The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is an expanded reimagining of the original game that explores the illusion of choice in video gaming. This narrative-driven walking simulator intrigues players with its meta-commentary on agency and predestination, guiding them through a surreal office environment where a narrator’s voice influences their decisions. The game uniquely responds to players’ actions with multiple endings, offering a blend of humor, philosophy, and unpredictability. This edition includes new content and choices, enhancing the original’s critique of video game structure and player freedom.



  • Multiple branching storylines and endings.
  • Meta-commentary on video game narratives.
  • Unique and humorous narrative style.
  • First-person exploration gameplay.
  • New content and endings were added in the Ultra Deluxe version.

User Experience:

  • Players have lauded The Stanley Parable for its unique approach to storytelling, humor, and commentary on player agency in video games. The Ultra Deluxe version brings additional content and endings, further enhancing the experience.

Release Date:

  • The original game was released on October 17, 2013. The Ultra Deluxe edition was announced for 2020 but has seen multiple delays.

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6. Frequency: Chernobyl

Frequency Chernobyl

Frequency: Chernobyl is an immersive survival horror video game set in the haunting remnants of Chernobyl. Players navigate the desolate environment, contending with both supernatural phenomena and the tangible threats of radiation and decay. The game masterfully blends historical elements with fictional scares, creating a tense atmosphere that keeps players on edge. With its rich graphics and compelling storyline, Frequency: Chernobyl offers a unique, eerie exploration of one of the world’s most infamous disaster zones.



  • Explore the Haunting Exclusion Zone.
  • Solve intricate puzzles related to radio broadcasts.
  • Engage with a deep and mysterious storyline.
  • Atmospheric visuals and sound design.
  • Face the challenges of time anomalies.

User Experience:

  • Players have appreciated Frequency: Chernobyl for its atmospheric setting, intriguing storyline, and unique concept of radio broadcasts intertwined with the mysteries of Chernobyl.

Release Date:

  • The exact release date is not specified, but the game is available on Steam.

7. Silent Harbor

Silent Harbor

Silent Harbor is an immersive survival horror game set in a desolate coastal town plagued by supernatural occurrences. Players navigate through eerie environments, solving puzzles and evading spectral entities that haunt the foggy shores. With its gripping narrative and atmospheric graphics, the game offers a deep, tension-filled experience, challenging players to uncover the dark secrets of Silent Harbor while managing their resources and sanity. This title is a must-play for fans of the horror genre seeking a thrilling and mysterious adventure.



  • First-person horror adventure gameplay.
  • The engaging storyline centered around a missing wife.
  • Atmospheric visuals and sound design.
  • Challenging puzzles and mysteries to solve.
  • Immersive environments to explore.

User Experience:

  • Players have appreciated Silent Harbor for its chilling atmosphere, gripping storyline, and the sense of unease it instills as they delve deeper into the mystery.

Release Date:

  • 2023

8. Firewatch


Firewatch is an atmospheric adventure game developed by Campo Santo, renowned for its rich narrative and stunning visuals. Set in the Wyoming wilderness in 1989, players control Henry, a fire lookout who seeks solitude following personal tumult. The game focuses on Henry’s interactions via walkie-talkie with his supervisor, Delilah, unraveling both personal and mysterious events. Praised for its storytelling and emotional depth, Firewatch offers players a profound exploration of human relationships against the backdrop of nature’s expansive beauty.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


  • Rich narrative-driven gameplay.
  • Stunning visuals and environments.
  • Dynamic weather and day-night cycle.
  • Engaging dialogue choices.
  • Immersive sound design.

User Experience:

  • Players have lauded Firewatch for its compelling story, beautiful graphics, and emotional depth.

Release Date:

  • February 9, 2016

9. Don’t Knock Twice

Don't Knock Twice

Don’t Knock Twice is a first-person horror game that masterfully blends narrative and atmospheric scares. Based on the urban legend of the vengeful witch Baba Yaga, players navigate a chilling mansion to save their estranged daughter. The game combines immersive VR compatibility with traditional gaming, enhancing the spooky visuals and eerie sounds that fill the haunted environment. Puzzles and lore deepen the engagement, making every door and corridor a test of courage. This title is a must-play for those who relish psychological thrills and unsettling tales.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


  • Intense and atmospheric horror.
  • Interactive environment.
  • VR support.
  • Rich lore and backstory.
  • Multiple endings based on player choices.

User Experience:

  • The game has been praised for its atmospheric horror and engaging story.

Release Date:

  • September 5, 2017

10. House of Caravan

House of Caravan

House of Caravan is a first-person exploration game that draws heavily from the escape room genre. Set in a spooky mansion in the early 20th century, players uncover a dark and twisting narrative as they solve intricate puzzles and unlock the secrets hidden within the Caravan family home. The game combines atmospheric storytelling with challenging gameplay, engaging players with its mysterious environment and compelling, cryptic backstories. Perfect for fans of mystery and suspense, House of Caravan offers a brief yet memorable adventure through its eerie, candle-lit corridors.



  • Atmospheric horror setting.
  • Challenging puzzles.
  • Engaging story with twists.
  • Detailed mansion to explore.
  • Eerie soundtrack.

User Experience:

  • The game has been appreciated for its atmospheric setting and challenging puzzles.

Release Date:

  • April 16, 2015

11. Visage


Visage is a first-person psychological horror game renowned for its intense atmosphere and deep, unsettling storytelling. Set in a seemingly ordinary house with a sinister history, players explore different periods, each marked by horrific events. The game challenges players to solve puzzles and uncover secrets while managing their character’s sanity amidst terrifying apparitions. With its realistic graphics and sound design, Visage offers a truly immersive and spine-chilling experience.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


  • Deep narrative-driven gameplay.
  • Highly detailed and realistic graphics.
  • Multiple story chapters.
  • Dynamic horror elements.
  • Immersive audio design.

User Experience:

  • Players have praised Visage for its intense horror, compelling story, and high-quality graphics.

Release Date:

  • October 30, 2020

12. Rusty Lake Hotel

Rusty Lake Hotel

Rusty Lake Hotel is a unique point-and-click adventure game that transports players to a mysterious hotel on a secluded island. Developed by Rusty Lake, the game is known for its eerie atmosphere and complex puzzles. Players navigate through various rooms, solving intricate puzzles to uncover the dark secrets of the hotel and its animal inhabitants. The game’s distinctive art style and surreal storytelling captivate players, making it a standout in the genre of psychological horror games.


  • PC, iOS, Android


  • Unique hand-drawn art style.
  • Engaging puzzles.
  • Dark and mysterious storyline.
  • Multiple endings.
  • Memorable characters.

User Experience:

  • The game has been lauded for its unique art, engaging puzzles, and dark atmosphere.

Release Date:

  • 29 Jan, 2016

13. Dream Alone

Dream Alone

Dream Alone is a dark, 2D indie platformer, distinguished by its haunting atmosphere and challenging gameplay. In the game, players control a young boy navigating through a grim world filled with dangerous traps and monstrous creatures. Its monochrome visuals and eerie soundtrack amplify the game’s macabre narrative, inspired by classic fairy tales and folklore. With its complex puzzles and the unique ability to switch between alternate realities, Dream Alone offers a compelling, if unsettling, adventure that tests both skill and nerve.


  • PC, Nintendo Switch


  • Dark and atmospheric graphics.
  • Challenging platforming gameplay.
  • Unique abilities to manipulate time and reality.
  • Engaging storyline.
  • Multiple endings based on player choices.

User Experience:

  • Players have appreciated the game’s challenging platforming and dark atmosphere.

Release Date:

  • June 28, 2018

14. Planet Alpha

Planet Alpha

Planet Alpha is an atmospheric side-scrolling platform adventure game, set on a stunning alien world teeming with fantastical flora and fauna. As players traverse this mysterious landscape, they must harness the power of night and day to survive in an environment filled with beauty and danger. The game combines engaging puzzles with stealth mechanics and intricate environmental interactions, offering a unique blend of exploration and strategy. The visually captivating style and the compelling narrative invite players to uncover the secrets of the planet while evading the omnipresent threats.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


  • Stunning alien world visuals.
  • Day-night cycle affects gameplay.
  • Stealth and platforming mechanics.
  • Mysterious storyline.
  • Diverse environments and challenges.

User Experience:

  • The game has been praised for its beautiful graphics, atmospheric setting, and engaging platforming challenges.

Release Date:

  • September 4, 2018

15. Apsulov: End of Gods

Apsulov End of Gods

Apsulov: End of Gods is a first-person horror adventure game that delves into a unique blend of Norse mythology and science fiction. Developed by Angry Demon Studio, the game presents a dark world where futuristic technology meets ancient gods. Players explore a haunting environment, solving puzzles and battling mythical creatures. The immersive narrative and atmospheric design make Apsulov: End of Gods a compelling experience for fans of both horror and mythological genres.



  • A unique blend of mythology and futuristic elements.
  • Atmospheric horror setting.
  • Engaging storyline with twists.
  • Detailed environments to explore.
  • Immersive audio design.

User Experience:

  • Players have lauded Apsulov for its unique setting, compelling story, and intense horror elements.

Release Date:

  • August 8, 2019

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16. Mundaun


Mundaun is a hand-penciled horror game that takes players on a chilling adventure through the eerie, alpine world of the Swiss Alps. Developed by Hidden Fields, the game captivates with its unique art style, where every texture and shadow is meticulously drawn by hand. Players explore the mysterious town of Mundaun after learning of their grandfather’s mysterious death, solving puzzles and avoiding scary creatures. The game’s blend of folklore and a haunting atmosphere makes it a standout experience in the horror genre.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


  • Unique hand-penciled graphics.
  • Atmospheric horror setting.
  • Engaging in puzzles and challenges.
  • Rich folklore-inspired storyline.
  • Dynamic fear system affecting gameplay.

User Experience:

  • Mundaun has been praised for its unique art style, engaging story, and atmospheric horror elements.

Release Date:

  • March 16, 2021

17. The Town Of Light

The Town Of Light

The Town of Light is a psychological horror adventure game developed by LKA. It is set in the 1930s within the confines of the Volterra Psychiatric Asylum in Tuscany, Italy. The game is based on true events and offers a deep narrative that explores the dark history of its setting through the eyes of a former patient, Renee. With its emphasis on realism and mental health awareness, The Town of Light uses first-person storytelling to deliver a haunting, yet informative experience about the human psyche and the historical treatment of psychiatric conditions.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


  • Realistic and atmospheric graphics.
  • Deep narrative-driven gameplay.
  • Exploration-based mechanics.
  • Based on real events and locations.
  • Emotional and thought-provoking themes.

User Experience:

  • The game has been lauded for its compelling story, realistic setting, and emotional depth.

Release Date:

  • February 26, 2016

18. Those Who Remain

Those Who Remain

Those Who Remain is a psychological thriller game that immerses players in the eerie town of Dormont, a place plagued by darkness and mysterious disappearances. This atmospheric horror adventure challenges players to navigate through nightmarish scenarios, solve puzzles, and make moral decisions that affect the game’s outcome. With its intense storytelling and reliance on light as a safety mechanic, Those Who Remain offers a gripping experience that tests the limits of courage and sanity. Its unique blend of supernatural elements and psychological terror ensures a memorable gaming journey.


  • PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch


  • Atmospheric horror setting.
  • Engaging storyline with twists.
  • Multiple endings based on player choices.
  • Detailed environments to explore.
  • Challenging puzzles.

User Experience:

  • Players have appreciated the game’s atmospheric horror, engaging story, and challenging puzzles.

Release Date:

  • May 28, 2020



Dark Night with Floppa is a thrilling survival horror game that plunges players into a shadowy world haunted by the mysterious creature, Floppa. Set in an eerily abandoned town, players must navigate through dimly lit streets and forsaken buildings, solving puzzles to uncover the town’s dark secrets while avoiding the sinister Floppa. With its immersive gameplay and heart-pounding suspense, this game promises an unforgettable experience that challenges both mind and spirit.



  • Atmospheric horror setting.
  • First-person exploration.
  • Engaging storyline.
  • Simple gameplay mechanics.
  • Mysterious forest environment.

User Experience:

  • The game offers an emotional horror experience, challenging players to find pictures in a dark and eerie forest.

Release Date:

  • January 6, 2023

20. Pineapple On Pizza

Pineapple On Pizza (2023)

Pineapple on Pizza is a lively and engaging party game that sparks debate and laughter among friends. Players divide into teams to argue the merits and drawbacks of putting pineapple on pizza, a topic that has divided food enthusiasts worldwide. The game involves quick-thinking and persuasive tactics, as each team tries to sway opinions with creative and humorous arguments. With a simple setup and dynamic gameplay, it’s perfect for social gatherings and ice-breaking activities.



  • Unique exploration-based gameplay.
  • Vibrant island setting.
  • Engaging storyline.
  • Memorable characters.
  • Dance and party mechanics.

User Experience:

  • Pineapple On Pizza offers a unique gaming experience, challenging players’ perceptions and delivering unexpected twists.

Release Date:

  • March 28, 2023

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The world of audio-based games is vast and full of potential. While “Killer Frequency” has set a high bar, there are numerous other games out there that offer a similarly thrilling experience. Whether you’re looking to solve mysteries, embark on adventures, or simply immerse yourself in a rich soundscape, there’s something on our list for everyone. So, plug in your headphones, dim the lights, and let these games transport you to another world. Happy gaming!

Usman Bashir

About the Author: Usman Bashir

Usman Bashir is a seasoned writer and digital strategist with a passion for technology, innovation, and storytelling. With a background in journalism and content creation, Usman has contributed to numerous publications and platforms, offering insights on topics ranging from tech trends to emerging market dynamics. Outside of writing, he enjoys exploring the digital landscape, staying updated with the latest industry advancements, and mentoring aspiring writers.

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