Recent leaks have unveiled detailed specifications for Apple‘s upcoming iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max, indicating that both models will boast the world’s thinnest screen bezels. The new dimensions not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also suggest slight increases in the overall size of the devices compared to their predecessors.
The iPhone 16 Pro is expected to measure 149.6 x 71.45 x 8.25 mm and weigh 194 grams, a subtle increase from the iPhone 15 Pro’s dimensions of 146.6 x 70.6 x 8.25 mm and weight of 187 grams. The Pro model’s screen will also expand from 6.1 inches to 6.3 inches.
Similarly, the iPhone 16 Pro Max will grow slightly larger and heavier than its predecessor, measuring 163.02 x 77.58 x 8.26 mm and weighing 225 grams. This model will also feature an increased screen size, moving from 6.7 inches to an impressive 6.9 inches.
Focusing on the bezel sizes, the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max are set to achieve new industry standards. The iPhone 15 Pro featured a 1.71mm bezel, while the 15 Pro Max came in at 1.55mm. The new models will surpass these figures, with the iPhone 16 Pro featuring a 1.2mm bezel and the Pro Max even slimmer at 1.15mm.
These enhancements are part of Apple’s ongoing efforts to push the boundaries of smartphone technology, emphasizing function and form in their flagship devices. As the September launch approaches, these specifications offer a promising glimpse into what could be the most refined iPhones to date.
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